Rob Salaman

Rob's web design journey

Where do I begin? Computers haven't always fascinated me, in fact when I was a wee nipper at primary school I despised them; they were big, bulky & everything looked so boring (this was the late 90s/ early 00s).

It wasn't until I got to secondary school & the invention of smart phones that things got interesting, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Computers just weren't my cup of tea; however, gaming & visual design were. I always had an eye for the way things looked, whether that was on a powerpoint presentation or even the way a magazine cover would catch my eye.

Not long into my early adolescence my family went on holiday to France, it was a nice holiday, but the weather was utterly terrible. It rained non-stop for the first few days. Anyway, to cut a long story short this was the reason I first got into coding. My dad was coding a new website & like that, I was hooked. I've not put my laptop down since.

Back to the smart phones intrigue. With the way that things had progressed in the late 00's being able to browse the internet on your phone was a massive success; however, there was one problem, most websites were still being built only for desktop (at least by this point HTML was being supported by much better CSS). This seemed strange to me & was when I first started having a passion for responsive design - websites that worked on any screen size.

Fast forward & I'm now an expert in UX design & responsive website development.

For the past 7 years I have been the Creative Director at Cambridge Website Designers & honestly, I have loved every minute seeing both myself & the company grow together.

About Rob

I'm not just a nerd. I grew up playing every sport you can imagine & I still love to stay active. Currently, I'm keeping an online workout journal to remain sane during the COVID-19 outbreak (started 17 March 2020).

I also love to travel, over recent years I have been to some beautiful countries & seen the most breathtaking scenery. All of these experiences will be with me for life.


HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript / jQuery / PHP / Python / Responsive & Adaptive Development / UX & UI Design / Prototypes / Wireframes

Rob Salaman

Creative Director